Betagro Agro Industry Co.,Ltd (Khon Kaen Office)

Betagro Agro Industry Co.,Ltd (Khon Kaen Office) Since: 2000

Corporate Status: Limited Liabilities
Business Type: Processor, Service Provider
Business Sector:
No. of employee:

Contact address:

Fax.+66(0)4332775 043-470111
Address351 Moo 14, Maliwan road, Ban Ped sub distric, 40000
The company is recognised as being at the forefront of Thailand’s agro-industry and food business, engaged in animal feed production, livestock, and animal health products, and most importantly, high-quality, safe food products. Distributed to local and overseas markets, these leading, branded products respond to the diverse needs of consumers across the globe, reflecting Betagro’s guiding principle: "Let’s Make Life Better." These businesses are now engaged in production, husbandary and genetic development in swine, broilers and layers, plus establishment of breeder farms and manufacture and distribution of veterinary medicines. The company has also formed collaborative arrangements with farmers to provide contract farming for broilers and layers and to include fattening swine, production and distribution of hygienic and fresh pork, chicken, eggs, as well as processed foods, for distribution to both domestic and international markets.
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No data available at this moment but coming soon
No data available at this moment but coming soon

Focal Contact

Name Surname Division/Dept. Position Mobile Tel Email
1 Somsak Pattammapon +66(0)43-470138, 149 [email protected]