Shan Maw Myae Co.,Ltd

Shan Maw Myae Co.,Ltd Since: 2000

Corporate Status: Limited Liabilities
Business Type: Producer, Retail, Processor, Service Provider
Business Sector:
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Contact address:

AddressNo.(365, 367), 3rd floor, Bo Aung Kyaw street
the one of the earliest manufacturer of organic foliar fertilizer in Myanmar, the company has shown its commitment to creating not only a marketable product but also the one which is environmentally harmless. “A society which is both wealthy and healthy creates prosperity”. This is the beliefs of Shan Maw Maye Co., Ltd. Both chemical fertilizer and natural fertilizer are important for production of crops. The substitution of natural fertilizer for chemical fertilizer, Shan Maw Myae Co., Ltd has been organizing and developing organic farms.
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Contact detail
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No data available at this moment but coming soon
No data available at this moment but coming soon

Focal Contact

Name Surname Division/Dept. Position Mobile Tel Email
1 +95-1-392642, 392920, 392921, 73010411, (Ext : 206, 306) [email protected]