KhonKaen Brewery Co.,Ltd.

KhonKaen Brewery Co.,Ltd. Since: 1994

Corporate Status: Limited Liabilities
Business Type: Retail, Service Provider
Business Sector:
No. of employee:

Contact address:

Fax.+66(0)43261400 , +66(0)43-226-828
Address533 Moo 19, 208 (Khon Kaen- Mahasalakam Road), 40000
The company is an affiliate of Boonrawd brewery company and under the trademark of "Tra Singha" (Lion Brand). The company is established since 1995;The company has extended a manufacture to the region and tried to meet the customers' need both in Thailand and other countries. Recently, the production capacity of Leo beer is 1000 million liters a year, Soda is 150 million liters a year and drinking water is 100 million liters a year.
Target markets
Company promotion materials
Trade capacity

Contact detail
Focal contact
Photo gallery
Location on Map
No data available at this moment but coming soon
No data available at this moment but coming soon
No data available at this moment but coming soon

Focal Contact

Name Surname Division/Dept. Position Mobile Tel Email
1 Methee Sutad Na Ayuthaya President Administrative Division +66(0)43346556 , +66(0)43-226-555,+66(0)43226825 [email protected]