Investment Consulting and Technology Improving Joint Stock Corporation.

Investment Consulting and Technology Improving Joint Stock Corporation. Since: 1998

Danang, VIET NAM
Corporate Status: Other
Business Type:
Business Sector:
No. of employee:

Contact address:

Fax.(+84)511 3844120
Address25 Hoang Dieu street, Da Nang City
- Designing, manufacturing, suplying, Installing and transfering tecnology in processing and foodstuff industry. - Supplying a meredy for minimizing pollution of environment; designing amd building waste treament system. - Manufacturing and suppl
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Contact detail
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No data available at this moment but coming soon
No data available at this moment but coming soon

Focal Contact

Name Surname Division/Dept. Position Mobile Tel Email
1 Ms. Nguyen Thi Nga (+84)511-3824402/381 (+84)511-3824402/381 [email protected]